Signals From Saipan
by Reginald Nelson
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"Time to get back to fighting the good fight."

Reggie and his friend and colleague Ash Black are in Saipan to confront a terrorist plot that involves vengeful Iraqi terrorist Achmed and the Russian government. It’s also revealed that Reggie has figured out a way to set off explosives remotely by using radio waves. Meanwhile, the other members of the vigilante group are dealing with a Mexican drug cartel run by the ruthless Melania Cruz in Denver, Colorado, and a kidnapping plot in Italy that surprisingly involves a very real-life Italian politician—Marta Fascina. With several tense showdowns, not all of the operatives will make it out safely. 

Although this is the third book in the author’s I.N.C.I.S.O.R. series, Nelson also gives enough background information from past books to help first-time readers of the series not be confused. This is a gripping thriller that will excite fans of the spy adventure genre. Nelson makes the plot easy to understand, even with all the back-and-forth locations. It’s worth mentioning how Nelson does a fine job sharing his knowledge of Saipan and its history. In the less than 500-page novel, the locations include not only Colorado and Saipan but also Dubai (where Reggie’s wife, Becky, is first introduced), Langley, Washington D.C., and Syria. Like the locations, there are a lot of different characters to meet, and Nelson does a good job of fleshing out his main ones, which makes them realistic. Reggie is serious but can be a humorous character, too. The banter between him and Ash is delightful. The story ends on a cliffhanger, which will likely have fans eagerly waiting for the next book in the series.

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