This short poetry collection reflects the author’s love of nature and the joys one receives from quiet reflection. It is a personal sharing of the soul’s spirit. Viloria writes of the elation felt when observing the natural world as well as the happiness brought by others. She writes of the simple pleasure of watching children at play, the changing seasons, and colorful sunsets. The author encourages readers to “Take a moment to stop and reflect on calm waters, picturesque scenes, your thoughts collect.” Her poems reflect the happiness brought by her marriage and the close relationship between friends. Her love of nature, family, and friends is evident in each of these personal and spiritual poems. The desire to bring peace and happiness to others is found throughout her poetry as she seeks to share God’s love.
The tribute at the beginning of this volume lets readers know that its author “passed away after a short illness” soon after the compilation was completed. This knowledge renders each poem bittersweet. For example, in the piece “Don’t Cry for Me,” Viloria admonishes readers, “So please don’t cry for me / For I am rich and free.” These words seem to take on a more meaningful, underlying theme with the knowledge of her death. The joy with which she writes of life comes through her work. As reflected in the book’s title, the author finds much happiness while contemplating something as simple as watching leaves blowing in the wind. Her spirituality and faith are explored in each of these poems, whether she is writing of children at play, a walk in the park, or finding meaning in a box of crayons. The collection is uplifting in its underlying theme of finding beauty in even the most ordinary things.