Tall Moon Diaries: A search for the sensitivity of the soul
by Robert Bollendorf
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"There are those around us who believe that one of the ways the spirits speak with us is through dreams."

This charming look back at the life of Tall Moon begins when he, at the age of seventy-five, begins a diary in which he records memories from his life as a Lakota. Written from two perspectives, Tall Moon's and his dead mother's, the book follows his life from his mother's death until he is twenty-one. As Tall Moon grows, he encounters many who shape his view of the world along the way. He meets people who guide him along his journey. He discovers not only the ancient beliefs and customs of his tribe but also the ancient Chinese arts of Tai Chi and Qigong. Added to this is the Catholic influence of the monastery school he attends. As Tall Moon grows, his mother watches from the spirit world, commenting intermittently on his growth and accomplishments. Tall Moon discovers that there are many valuable lessons to learn, not only from his native heritage but also from various other cultures.

This fascinating look into Tall Moon's spiritual journey is a wonderful look at philosophy and a young man's inner struggles throughout his early life. As he honestly writes to one of his first spiritual teachers, the young Sister Mary, "I guess I love God and I know we are supposed to love Him above all else, but I struggle with loving Him when I can't see, or hear, or touch Him." Tall Moon's Native American heritage and its emphasis on nature seem at odds with the ways of the seminary school, but he finds mentors along the way that understand his quest for spiritual growth and encourage his unorthodox way of seeking God. This thought-provoking narrative delves into many of the world's religious practices and beliefs. It is an interesting look at spiritualism, religion, and finding one's way in the modern world.

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