"...this book and its techniques may provide positive, practical resources to assist teachers to reimagine and accelerate change for today’s and future generations."

The author's innovative CAISSEP® Technique is a comprehensive tool/resource that uses progressive teaching and the newest learning techniques. He has chosen a useful acronym to help readers remember the seven keywords of this technique. The words can be used as a template to analyze the effective delivery of education in today's "flipped classroom," where the teacher acts as a facilitator.

An adult learner is self-motivated with a need to know, the readiness to learn, and an inclination towards that goal. Therefore, the teacher serves more as a guide and helper in the learning process. Recollection of facts is enhanced by active participation more than passive observation. Students are already accustomed to learning by applying their personal recognition styles: activist, pragmatist, reflector, or theorist. A teacher sets the learning objectives based on knowledge of the topic/skill being taught. Local and international standards are acknowledged. Planned activities focus on what the student is to learn, creating a "backward design" to knowledge as per Bloom's taxonomy.

The author effectively identifies practical teaching methods, such as Think-Pair-Share. In this method, a question is posed, and in Lyman's approach, the students pair up and share their answers. In problem-based learning, students participate in solving complex problems. This successful approach was introduced fifty years ago in a Canadian medical school.

Wilson is a rare find―a practitioner with expertise. This seasoned educator and lawyer has over twenty-eight years of experience in legal education, curriculum development, and legal practice. He is concerned with continuing illiteracy around the globe, especially among women. He hopes the CAISSEP® Technique he invented will help meet the current lack of educators worldwide.

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