The Adventures of Elf and Troll: Two Kingdoms
by NM Reed with Whitney Lee Preston
Tattered Unicorn Publishing

"She took a bit of spark from her heart and held it out in front of her in the palm of her hand."

Although diminutive in size, Elf is a feisty wood elf and hunter who always outsmarts predators. On behalf of the Good Queen of the south, Valerie the Kind, Elf must journey to the Kingdom of Wisdom to deliver an important message to King Harold the Wise. Accompanying Elf is her protector—the often misunderstood Troll whose massive size, granite skin, extensive weaponry, and body armor make for an imposing figure. As the companions travel back and forth to establish communication between the two kingdoms, they endure many perils, encounter a diverse variety of creatures, and uncover a sinister plot with multiple sources of evil and villainy.

Married writing partners Reed and Preston collaborate to deliver this highly imaginative tale as the first installment in a series of eight fantasy adventures. The authors use a descriptive writing style and artistic imagery to draw readers into a world where the majesty of nature is on full display. One of the book’s most powerful scenes is that of Elf using her love to make time stand still and then drawing a spark of magic from her own heart, creating a glowing display of sparkles glittering on the flakes of freshly fallen pure snow. The power of love and loyalty and the beauty of nature are recurrent themes throughout the book as Elf and Troll receive help and protection from nymphs, dryads, and mystical wolves. These elements of natural beauty and friendship provide a stark contrast to the dark forces of human jealousy and mythical creatures like worm walkers, spirit demons, dark forces enchanters, and evil fallen deities. In the end, Reed and Preston effectively set the stage for the next adventure of Elf and Troll.

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