When ex-military Captain Bryn Collier disappears within a beam of light, he finds himself stranded on a hostile extraterrestrial world, aided against the attack of vicious creatures by a young humanoid girl. He soon finds himself back on Earth near his home in Hampshire. But he is still accompanied by the girl, soon known as Charlyyk. With no way to return her, she becomes Collier’s responsibility. Charlyyk is described as a “slip of a girl” with clawed hands, a purple tongue, colorful eyes, large ears, and a six-inch tail. Charlyyk’s presence on Earth stirs controversy worldwide until Collier can demonstrate her assimilation into British culture, and the Home Office grants her citizenship and a passport.
What begins as a sci-fi thriller morphs into a contemporary family drama and returns later to the sci-fi mode. Charlyyk trades her primitive extraterrestrial existence for the love and safety of her human family. The complexities of Collier’s family life nearly overshadow her presence in the story. Collier has lost his first wife and develops a relationship with a reporter who becomes his fiancée and a loving stepmother to Charlyyk. The detailed scenes of family life have a serene pace that matches the easy progress of Charlyyk’s transition to earthly life. Strong characterizations and ongoing character development drive the plot forward.
It is easy to forget Charlyyk’s origins since she so gracefully melds into her new life. Her peculiarities are minimal, and she behaves much like any pre-pubescent child on Earth. In some ways, Charlyyk’s transition and successes seem almost too easily gained. However, many will embrace the upbeat, positive themes of acceptance and inclusion that this novel delivers.