"A healthy organization is subject to change and stress."

This book is a treat for language enthusiasts as it offers both the Dutch and English versions of the text in one volume. The author examines the importance of various stress models in relation to organizations. In a healthy organization, there is a balance of "strain and rest," but many problems can be present that negatively affect the worker, varying with the individual corporation. The book discusses the stress models and utilizes them in exploring employee skills in functional and dysfunctional agencies. It then focuses on a number of specific cases from various companies and organizations in order to put these stress models into action. It also examines the stress models from health psychology regarding coping, including the interaction model, transaction model, health behavior model, predisposition model, and the illness model.

This well-written work successfully does what it sets out to do, although some additional editing would have enhanced the overall effectiveness of the book. It closely examines several stress models in a work setting by exploring healthy and unhealthy organizations while also focusing on the problems employees face. Utilizing professional literature and citations from such literature adds to the professionalism of this work, as do the specific studies of various corporations and agencies. Coping with stress is a valuable topic for the reader because stress is inherent in most work situations. Noting that there is both positive and negative stress is an important concept that the book drives home. The offering of recommendations also makes this a worthwhile read, especially for professional researchers.

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