The Call
by Theresa Tulloch

"We are chosen when we say yes and live a life completely obedient to His will."

Writer Tulloch has experienced many life changes, as she powerfully and poignantly relates in this religiously themed memoir. Born in Jamaica, she has pleasant memories from her early years there. Her father emigrated to the US and later sent for his wife and children. Therefore, in 1981, she found herself in Brooklyn, New York, beginning school and learning American speech. Her school years included a sexual attack forced on her at age ten by an older boy, evoking low self-esteem and anxieties that would continue until married, divorced, and caring for two children, she began to develop a deep relationship with God. When her second child nearly died days after birth, she promised God that she would begin going to church if he would save her baby. Keeping that vow would require finding the right worship group. She explored many possibilities, discovering the reality of open, group praise to the Lord, speaking in tongues, praying for those who sinned against her, and hearing God’s voice, as her destiny as a minister became a reality.

Tulloch maintained civic employment beginning in high school and attained college degrees while working. Now an educator and librarian, she is also an active participant in EPIC (Empowered People in Christ). Her evident poetic gifts arose spontaneously while contributing to Black History Month as part of a teaching assignment, resulting in powerful paeans to Martin Luther King and Malcolm X. Her candid faith-grounded autobiography concludes with several poetic, spiritual offerings that stress tolerance and the need to listen to and obey God. Achievements in her personal and professional journey attest to Tulloch’s persistence, courage, and intelligence, while her gentle guide focused on Christian convictions is offered as an inspiring reminder to readers that even in the midst of difficult, even dangerous, situations, God’s help can be accessed.

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