"Most people believe the carbon dioxide theory of climate change simply because it is all they hear."

This book presents a look at climate change through the centuries and discusses its cyclical nature as well as events that portend the coming of the next ice age. Using current events in the northern seas, the author concludes that the earth is reaching the end of a warming event that will be followed by the cooling of the earth’s temperatures. What is understood of global warming and its acceleration due to carbon dioxide’s effect on climate is questioned as Thornbro discusses far more important events pointing to the coming of an ice age. Using scientific evidence and charts to prove this point, the book presents information revealing the planet’s cycles of warm and cold weather, establishing that the last “little ice age” ended around 1850 and that another one is inevitably on the horizon.

The author's text presents scientific information clearly, enabling the average reader to understand the work's premise. Though, at times, one may have to define certain terms used, the information is still easily comprehended. This is a fascinating look at past weather events as well as current conditions in the northern seas which indicate the coming of a new cycle in which temperatures will drop. The book points out that the understanding of global warming as merely the result of atmospheric carbon dioxide is short-sighted. One finishes the book with a new understanding of the weather and the part played by changes in the seas. Thornbro’s work presents straightforward information, resulting in reflection on the underlying and ongoing events that will shape the future of Earth. This informative and thought-provoking book is a must-read for anyone concerned about climate change.

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