This is a collection of six stories. One boy faces the fact that his whole town is obsessed with television, driving some citizens to murder. He believes the only way to figure out what is really going on is to get to town hall, a location that he thinks may hold the key to the problem. In another, a bullied nerd finally makes a best friend, and it changes his life. What is especially strange, though, is that his new friend is a shovel. Also, a writer is surprised when opening a ream of paper to find the words “HELP ME” printed in red ink on the first page. These words inspire him to a robust round of writing, as well as an obsession with collecting more of this brand’s paper. All six stories feature primarily young male protagonists confronting a chaotic and violent world with blurred edges of reality.
Perone’s collection is targeted toward a male, young adult audience. It is particularly concerned with high school angst. Perone is in complete control of his writing, creating clear, tightly formed sentences marking the work of an experienced professional. His style feels a little like a mix between Ray Bradbury and The Twilight Zone, focusing on outbursts of violence and humor. The humor itself is somewhat sophomoric, which will likely appeal to the targeted audience. The protagonists are generally relatable and mostly fit the role of being smart, awkward, and pushed too far. The collection’s dark turns, chuckles, and ability to relate to its audience will garner plenty of enthusiastic young fans.