The Full Extent: An Inquiry into Reality and Destiny
by Richard Botelho
Windstream Publishing Company

"Consciousness is intimately connected with matter and energy, even causal to their being."

Many theories concerning the nature of reality have emerged from quantum mechanics. In this book, the author explains the many facets of the field of study and how it has helped shape the way people think of reality. The author begins, "The grandest experiment in history comes from Quantum Mechanics, and its results—the Double Slit Experiment—are not only astonishing but revolutionary." The work is divided into three parts: "The Question of Reality," "A Spiritual Universe," and "Universal Destiny." Within these three sections, he expounds on such concepts as the role consciousness plays in perceiving reality, quantum entanglement, megatheories, and other theories that have evolved from quantum mechanics. The author discusses different levels of reality, the soul, spirituality, the nature of reality, and the purpose of existence.

This is an extremely informative read that lays out the discoveries in quantum mechanics in a way that is easy to comprehend. Though some of the ideas in the book are certainly mind-boggling for those who know little about the theory, this book helpfully builds on early discoveries and breakthroughs and traces their evolution. The author's attempt to define reality and soul is fascinating. For example, he states, "…quantum truths (the Observer Effect) have shown that Consciousness is intimately connected with matter and energy, even causal to their being." Botelho also includes an interesting section with his theories of how quantum mechanics fits into the phenomenon of UFO sightings. Anyone wishing to learn more about quantum mechanics and the ideas concerning reality developed from its discovery will find a plethora of information here. It is a well-written and comprehensive look at quantum mechanics and its implications.

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