This fascinating tale centers on Pedo Rupa’s life from infancy in rural Borneo to the present day in Green Valley, Arizona. Part memoir, part oral history recorded by her husband, Terry, Pedo’s story is riveting. Her voice is delightful throughout as she expresses joys, worries, and her abiding love for her husband, no matter what obstacles the two of them face.
Pedo’s parents gave her away as a newborn to an abusive uncle who had no interest in caring for her. She was named and lovingly raised through her adolescence by her grandfather, who had earned respect in his village by using his headhunting skills against Japanese invaders in the 1940s. His love helped give Pedo the confidence and courage she needed to run away from her uncle and make a life for herself from the age of twelve. Over the next twenty years, Pedo would work several different jobs, acquire an education, and raise her own daughter independently until meeting her husband-to-be. The couple navigates international marriage and culture shock on both sides. They relocate to other countries, start new businesses, and move across several states.
As clearly described in the narrative, Pedo’s confidence and determination show through in all of her actions and thoughts. When the couple faces financial hardship, she finds them a path to stability. Her reflections on life in her native country and her new home are humorous and poignant, sometimes simultaneously. For example, her obsession with her extensive underwear collection stems from when she was not given any clothing for most of her childhood. While Pedo’s journey is engaging on its own, her story’s main focus is her love for her husband and the relationship they build together. Pedo’s perseverance and enduring loyalty will undoubtedly endear readers to her as she shares her enthralling life journey.
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