The Lawyer and the Astronaut
by Jerry Lucas
Jerry Lucas Publishing

"Then, of course, was the real worry. Josh was in imminent danger of being marooned on an alien planet, inhabited by monsters, with no escape possible."

It is 2446, and Josh has just lost another job. He is a creative and headstrong young man and can’t seem to find work that holds his interest. While looking for new employment, Josh finds an opportunity to travel deep into space on a mission to look for a habitable planet. The trip will be dangerous, and if he survives, Josh won’t return to Earth for over a thousand years. For most of the trip, he will be cryogenically frozen.

While deciding if he will take the offer, Josh meets an ex-coworker, Laura, for lunch. The two soon fall in love. Josh lets Laura know that he is going to accept the space exploration offer. The two decide to marry, and Laura states that she will be frozen on earth and wait for him. Josh goes to space and finds a habitable world that has dinosaurs and an intelligent and vicious group of monstrous crocodiles. When Laura is thawed, Josh is over a hundred years late, and the earth has changed. What will she do now, and what happened to Josh?

In this book, Lucas has written a science fiction story with a bit of romance and an exploration of his ideas of the earth’s future. Despite a few small grammatical errors, the writing is easy to read and displays the author’s clear interest and knowledge of his subject material. The first act of the book, which focuses on Josh, will likely remind readers of the John Carter character from the books by Edgar Rice Burroughs. The second act mainly focuses on Laura and her transition into a lawyer after waking from her cryogenic sleep. Readers who enjoy pulpy science fiction stories will likely be highly entertained.

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