The Leadership Dozen: The 12 Cs Every Leader Needs
by Dr. Edward Negrete Jr.

"If the leader does not believe and is not committed to the team, it decreases the chance for success."

At some point, virtually everyone will have had some kind of leadership figure, like a boss or a teacher, who fails to live up to the promise of lifting up those in their influence to their full potential. Whether in business, in the locker room, or at the head of a family, leadership is something that is asked of many but scarcely taught and reinforced. This book breaks down a dozen alliterative qualities that anyone tasked with leadership in any aspect of their life can utilize to ensure that they are effective, empathetic, and capable authority figures. Readers can use this book either to shore up the aspects of their leadership style that may be missing or weaker, or to give them the confidence to push forward in the things they already excel at.

The topics covered in this book cover a whole range from softer skills like compassion and caring to more defined task-oriented abilities like communication and coaching. Overall, the tone is one that encourages, believing that anybody reading this book is capable of embodying and exemplifying the traits discussed therein. Packed with stories, quotations, and related anecdotes, the book is lively and engaging, changing gears enough to keep the text enthralling yet focused. Those who are curious, dedicated readers and always looking for new perspectives and information on the topic of being a good leader will find this work impeccably cited and with plenty of outbound sources of deeper context and varied expertise. Whether entering a leadership position for the first time or looking to grow and become more effective, readers will discover that this is a book designed to excite the leaders reading it to actively develop and become more well-rounded.

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