Born in August 1966 in Dayton, Ohio, and raised in "the projects called Desoto Bass" in the 1970s, Hutchins begins his story by describing his hometown as a boomtown, where in the past, there was a large amount of manufacturing but now only "purgatory and distress." Though he grew up in what he calls a dysfunctional family, absent his father and with a single mother on welfare and one of six siblings, he declares God has blessed him. He moved to Aurora, Colorado, in the mid-80s, where he liked the mountains and lakes and people but ultimately ended up back in Ohio, as the elevation in Aurora kept him sick constantly with sinus and ear congestion. At age sixteen, the author recalls telling his mom while the two were standing in the kitchen that "one day, I would be rich." "Oh son, don't forget about Momma," she replied, and they giggled together.
Hutchins shares his story of washing dishes in the basement of Frisch's downtown on Main St., saving up all the money he could, and after getting off work enjoying his "usual," a "Hot Big Boy with extra sauce, loaded with lettuce and pickles. No cheese. And fresh hot French fries and warm apple pie. With a cold glass of root beer." He went on to management in the fast-food industry and worked at the local Marriott, where he "wore many hats," but also, unfortunately, directly experienced racism. It was his unbreakable belief in God, he writes, that got him through that and so many other trials and tribulations through his life. "Doing and knowing the word of God," Hutchins writes. "It is sweet to the soul."
The author's novella-style autobiography is an enjoyable read in which he shares his unique story—the highs and the lows—with the reader in a very down-to-earth, relatable tone. One feels in reading his book that Hutchins comes across as a familiar friend who is frank about sharing details of his life. Frequently, these details reveal the story of an individual who gets swept up in an array of undesirable circumstances and engages with less-than-honest, downtrodden folks. As such, Hutchins is to be applauded for telling it like it is, for not sugar-coating his life's circumstances, and for the bravery it must have taken to put pen to paper and share his innermost experiences with the world. There is much to admire about that, indeed.
Although the narrative is engaging, some additional editing for grammatical and spelling mistakes would have enhanced its overall effectiveness. Still, the author does have an interesting and entertaining tale to tell. His book vividly recounts the life story of an intriguing gentleman who, in many ways, has beaten the odds life has thrown at him. This victory has enabled him to rise above and bear testament to the efficacy of his profound faith in God. His book might appeal especially to those readers who gravitate toward inspirational accounts of those who have managed to survive and thrive despite having the cards stacked against them in life.