The Real Good News From God
by Earl Campbell
Lettra Press

"The purpose of God is life eternal with an abundance of living things all praising and giving glory to the eternal God, Yahweh."

Drawing heavily on the Bible, author Campbell expresses his strong conviction that the world as we know it today is under the domination of Satan and his forces. Still, this reign of evil will end, and a new earth will emerge, as predicted and planned from the beginning. One basic tenet presented is that everything is composed of three parts, including the universes themselves: the infinite, the metaphysical, and the physical. Campbell wishes to correct errors that many Christians assume to be true. One such error concerns the notion of heaven and hell. He asserts that all who die are in a dreamless state of unconsciousness, awaiting the final judgment. Campbell demonstrates how these erroneous ideas evolved by arraying biblical quotations in correct perspective and fine detail, addressing such issues as the truth of a worldwide flood and the existence of giants before it. He concludes that the new earth, God's kingdom, will arise after the war of Armageddon, which appears to be occurring today.

Campbell constructs his various theses with intelligent organization and an apparent zeal to share biblical facts with those who the misrepresentations of some religious sects have lulled. He decries most world religions—Islam, Buddhism, and certain Christian groups—except for the one that gave him what he sees as the true perspective: Jehovah's Christian Witnesses, who refuse to engage in the "immoral practices of the modern world." He urgently advises readers to become aware of the signs of the imminent restoration of the earth and the destruction of Satan and his followers. Above all, he passionately urges people to follow a righteous pathway so that they may share in this glorious, promised end time. Campbell's evident conviction and sincerity give his material credence, especially for those who share his view and those approaching it for the first time.

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