The Secret to Perfect Living
by Kofi Dwira

"The second resurrection will be after the period of the millennium of Christ's appearing."

Many are told from a young age the story of the temptation in the garden of Eden. Satan issued suggestions contrary to the directives of God and led Eve and Adam to reject their creator. As the spirit of satanic rebellion inhabited Adam and Eve, the whole human race became corrupted with sin and the default possession of Satan for all generations of humanity. That is where the universal struggle against personal sin and spiritual redemption took root. As this book so carefully lays out, it was that communal and unintentional rejection of the divine that eventually led to the plan of salvation. As the author states, much stems from the example of Jesus and knowledge of his sacrifice. The principles of death manifested in the character of Jesus are the principles of living a perfect life. In this book, one learns the sure way to be like God and, thus, the secret to perfect living.

The Christian life is one of constant growth. In keeping with this, the author's book provides resources that are trusted and timely, winsome and wise, and centered on positively influencing a person's character. Faith is shown as what guides one's actions and behavior, maintaining healthy wellbeing. The book contains profound lessons on responsibility and service and encourages people to help others. Dwira has crafted an interesting and uplifting literary journey that has a spirit to match its subject matter. This book is written with healthy dashings of heart, quirk, and personality. In many ways, it would be the perfect Christmas gift for anyone looking for inspiration along their journey of discovery during the holiday season or any other time of the year.

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