"During my five-decade career, I had the privilege to touch countless people by investing in them."

The author is an auto service consultant whose philosophy to build sales in the industry is to include everyone from every department and role—including the customer—in the process. His chapters' themes run from the fanciful—"Creating [a] 'Disney-Like' Atmosphere" and "Becoming Irresistible"—to building business and financial platforms and sustainable structures for customer satisfaction that create growth. Funk's enthusiasm is apparent from the book's beginning, as he thanks, acknowledges, and promotes the people to whom he feels indebted and grateful. Additionally, he acknowledges that mistakes have taught him lessons that became aspects of his success.

In many ways, this work is reminiscent of other books by executives and researchers who realized the value of employee contributions to the success of companies and sought to reward their work as well as to show their customers' appreciation in a variety of ways. These could be tangible, such as good pay, profit sharing, and vacations, or less tangible, such as good treatment and an environment that motivated people to produce well and have pride in their work. Examples include Up the Organization by Robert Townsend, some early works in chaos theory, and current ones in the psychology of management that acknowledge that motivated workers create goods and services that, in turn, motivate consumers to buy them. As the author’s book shows, sustained success is more likely achieved when everyone is involved and has a voice in the company, product development and/or delivery, and the evaluation of consumers' satisfaction. Funk's intriguing work is well-suited for anyone looking for a common-sense approach to business success.

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