This sweeping historical novel centers around the lives, loves, and losses of the twin Marquard brothers—stalwart Edward and troublesome John. Their tale begins with the boys coming of age in the 1850s, as they immediately entrench themselves in hot water following a violent fight over their father’s servant. As punishment, their father puts them to work with his logging operation, during which time Edward learns the value of good, honest work, and John learns the danger of involving himself with a married woman.
After one of John’s malicious pranks comes to light, his father sends him away to West Point. Meanwhile, Edward falls in love with two women, leading to a difficult choice that brings momentary happiness until tragedy strikes his household. John moves up the ranks in the army while burying himself in gambling, duels, an illicit affair that leads to deadly consequences, and a deep illegal scheme from which Edward goes to great lengths to bail him out. From then on, the twins lead vastly different lives, and the choices they make change those lives’ trajectories.
This is a memorable, far-reaching portrait of one family’s growth during the turbulent times of Civil War America. Edward and John’s stories illustrate how the consequences of a person’s actions create ripple effects through their family and community. Despite its nearly 600-page length, the novel remains engaging throughout. Readers will be delighted to follow the twists and turns of the Marquard lives while immersing themselves in the exposition of a family in the mid-1800s. This lively, engrossing, and heartfelt novel will keep readers hooked all the way through to the surprising end.