"Is it possible that we could ever grow to the place here on earth where we see the good in our tragedy?"

In this inspirational book about the author’s family and the tragic circumstances of June 25, 1946, Kellogg examines the effect of tragedy on one’s life. Though the author grew up believing her paternal grandparents were killed in a car accident, Kellogg eventually came to know the truth about the deaths of the grandparents and uncle she had never known. Growing up in a family who had suffered so much, she nevertheless knew them as loving, faithful people who loved the Lord and each other. With sections devoted to the family’s history, the tragedy, and her own struggles when faced with the deaths of both her parents and husband from cancer, the book is, nevertheless, not dark. It is filled with the light and wisdom Kellogg professes she receives daily from her walk with God.

This is a book about the power of God to lift one out of the depths of despair. Decidedly Christian, the author includes biblical scriptures and motivational quotes from Christian writers that have affected her and helped her overcome the personal trials of her life. Its tone is heartfelt and conversational, pulling the reader into Kellogg’s discovery of the long-held secret of the family’s tragedy. Kellogg offers advice on how to overcome one’s own tragedies through relying on God. Though she writes from a Christian perspective, those of all beliefs will encounter an intriguing and emotional read that will long be in their memories. The author is steadfast in her Christian belief and her faith in a God who desires to heal those who are suffering and can indeed do so. Kellogg’s memoir is a fine addition to Christian literature as well as a wonderful gift to future generations of her own family.

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