Set in Las Vegas in 1982, this coming-of-age novel tells the story of Brady Wilks, a fourteen-year-old who moves to the city with his blended family, including his psychologically abusive mother. Brady feels like an outcast until he makes friends with Mick, an older neighborhood teenager. The two enjoy playing Dungeons & Dragons and partaking of the drugs that are readily available to them. When their friend Brett moves to West Virginia, Mick introduces Alex, a drug dealer, to their small group. When an opportunity to make a great deal of money is brought to the group by Alex, the boys embark on a mission to buy heroin from a Mexican cartel. Though Brady doesn’t trust Alex, he goes along with the plan. The boys’ encounter with the cartel in the desert outside of Las Vegas changes everything for Brady, and he must make some big decisions concerning his direction in life.
Becker, an award-winning short story writer, branches out seamlessly in this debut novel. He creates a compelling protagonist in Brady Wilks. Brady’s relationship with his abusive mother is heartbreaking at times, and one feels sympathy for the troubled teenager. The author is a master storyteller, capturing both the dark underbelly of 1980s Las Vegas and the angst of disillusioned teenagers in this dark, mesmerizing narrative. The action is fast-paced, and the plot twists are plentiful, keeping the reader engaged in this riveting story about a boy growing up with no role models except the older boys in his group of delinquent friends. Becker’s mastery of building suspense engages the reader. Though the book is decidedly dark, there are moments of humor and tenderness that are endearing. Brilliantly written with a plot that holds the reader’s attention from start to finish, this is a novel readers will not soon forget.
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