"As Christmas, soon, was drawing near, I dressed Tuesday all up in reindeer gear."

Hohnstein's charming book is about a puppy, her family, the life cycle, and enjoying the milestones and moments. It is about living and loving simple things. The photography gives the same message, loud and dirty. The white dog gets so muddy in her mischief over the years yet is so perfectly camouflaged on a snowy day.

Hohnstein either comes from a teaching background or simply has a natural knack for structuring an early reader book. The rhythm and rhyme she employs make for clues for kids, like a puzzle outline. "Running in the sand, enjoying the sun, getting muddy again was a lot of fun." The reading is achievable with some practice but is not at all a grind. The photographs and the antics keep young readers focused enough to keep practicing.

Structure is important for reading development, but the story is equally important, if not more so. This is mostly a happy, optimistic book, but the harsher side of the life cycle is gently alluded to, and the ending is bittersweet. Dog-loving adults may shed a tear over this one in memory of an old beloved pet.

When children are marched down the hall and into the school library, usually at least half make a beeline for the animal book section. This early reader book should be shelved among the offerings kids are searching for. It is indeed a treasure. This book is a must for those who checked out pet books as kids, read the pages thin, and have children following their example.

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