Twice in a Lifetime, and Then Some: A Zest for Life
by Vee Q.
Pen Culture Solutions

"I decided that the only way forward and the thing to do would be to learn to enjoy life again."

Traveling, lingering over cocktails, or just being a friend would be fun with Vee Q. In this light yet serious memoir, she conveys secrets to an upbeat personality despite two bouts with breast cancer, weekly injections for rheumatoid arthritis, and an operation while fully conscious for giant cell arteritis. The importance of anticipating and planning for pleasure fuels the author’s attitude of hope. Humor is also key, especially when life throws curveballs.

Organized into before and after cancers one and two (and before and after health insurance), funny anecdotes sprinkle a tale of a cruise-loving, independent businesswoman with a penchant for colorful underwear and positive visualization. Cancer is a major character but is leavened by Elvis and Neil Diamond concerts, twirling in the rain, tales of life in the Big Apple as a crafts vendor, and travel. From Venice to Lisbon to Hawaii and more, snafus arise. But overcoming illnesses and family tragedies has taught a mental slow down and enlightened attitude tailored to reduce anxiety and encourage relief.

The armchair traveler will enjoy a vicarious journey through photos, trains, planes, and automobiles, including the author’s life in New York City. The smallest details of life in Manhattan bloom with a new focus, such as the intricate dance to move cars on street cleaning days, the security quirks of living near the United Nations, and how to survive a summer in the city. Advice on appreciating family and friends while they still live and breathe takes on special poignancy in light of her brushes with death. The author’s attitude of acceptance, calm, and creating expectancy inspire in this memoir of a twice-over cancer survivor. A friendly, approachable narrative style lifts the corners of the lips in empathy with a woman who now feels “far more free to enjoy life” because of her brushes with death.

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