Two As One Forever: A Better You, A Better Marriage
by Beverly V. Thomas
Christian Faith Publishing

"The journey of marriage is both critical and interesting."

Author and counselor Thomas offers her well-considered advice to those who are considering marriage as well as to all who are actively involved in that partnership. To help readers grasp and accept all possibilities inherent in the marriage commitment, she suggests Christian teaching as a grounding. Marriage is multilayered, comprising a legal act, a social institution, a religious ceremony, and a lifelong shared trust to which both participants must dedicate themselves. The necessary attention to feelings and needs can be understood in the concept of “agape” or true, all-encompassing love.

Within a successful marriage, there may be disagreements, shouting, selfish moments, and even despair. Thomas details how the positives can be enhanced and the negatives overcome with simple and profound guidelines. For example, though men may find compromise unacceptable, and women may not wish to be merely dutiful, with faith in God and acceptance of each other, a couple can sustain a successful partnership. Thomas posits realistic situations and offers realizable solutions to the many challenges that may arise in marriage, focusing on such necessary qualities as attitude, character, and trust.

Thomas’ own experience of marriage, divorce, and later remarriage to the same partner clearly demonstrates her knowledge of and devotion to her theme. She has gathered useful lists such as “Kind Words to Say.” These include statements as warm and welcoming as “Thanks for trusting me,” and “I am here for you.” She quotes often from the Holy Bible and additionally from other self-help advisors and spiritual philosophers as well as from those who have received her assistance in her role as a certified marriage coach. Readers will be impressed with the breadth of Thomas’ understanding of marriage in all its aspects and will wish to use this wise and empathic work for group and individual discussion and study.

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