"So, will computers revolt? Yes, in the sense that they will become the dominant intelligence on our planet."

What is intelligence? What is dominance? Will computers eventually become intelligent enough to exercise free will and control the humans who created them? Some scoff at the possibility. Others dread it. Regardless of personal opinion, though, one should be aware of how the human brain acquires knowledge, how a computer does the same, and the strengths and weaknesses of each acquisition method. Computer technology has followed an evolutionary path not entirely dissimilar to biological evolution, although technology has advanced much more swiftly. The key to understanding the potential future of artificial intelligence is understanding the workings of the human brain that brought artificial intelligence into being. Computers may be faster than our brains, but so far, with their emotional intelligence, complex grasp of linguistic meaning, and, perhaps above all, their free will, our brains outstrip them. But if we outdo ourselves and create superintelligent machines, that could change.

Author and software developer Simon clearly outlines eight components of intelligence. He carefully explores theses in the first twenty-six chapters and references them at various points. If an organism or machine meets these criteria, he maintains it is intelligent. He offers understandable diagrams and illustrations detailing the synapse paths responsible for learning in the brain and contrasts that complexity with the simplicity of a computer's learning process. The end of each chapter provides helpful video links that expand his ideas, including links to Simon’s own Brain Simulator software. Arming readers with this knowledge, the author then lays out four thought-provoking possible scenarios that could occur if computers gained dominance over humans. Simon answers the book's title question with a conditional positive, then explains those conditions to reassure those who might find the idea of technological takeover alarming. In addition to those with questions about AI, this book may also attract an audience of experienced programmers.

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