Womb For Rent
by LJ Smith

"I'd be in a room full of people and feel totally alone."

Carrie Sansone is an alcoholic, but she refuses to admit it. She applies for a job as a surrogate for Ken and Vicky White. She interviews with them, and they choose her to carry their child. Carrie is excited and happy because this job pays very well, and she will no longer rely on her parents to help her pay her rent. On top of that, Carrie feels that she has found her purpose in life to help the Whites expand their family. It makes her feel important. She wants others to see that, too. Carrie goes through the embryo transfer, and the procedure goes well. A few weeks later, though, Carrie finds out that she is pregnant with twins, and one of them is hers. Throughout this journey, Carrie will fight to keep her baby while struggling with her drinking problem.

Smith establishes a sharp contrast between Carrieā€™s words and actions in her work. She keeps saying she does not have a drinking problem, but each time she is confronted with a problem, she turns to alcohol. Smith manages to give each character a distinct voice that makes them stand out. For example, she depicts Ken and Vicky White as a picture-perfect couple straight out of a magazine, but they are far from it. In addition, the author draws a parallel between Carrie and Vicky. They both have problems and believe this pregnancy can help them. For instance, Carrie feels that having this baby can help her stop her drinking problem. Meanwhile, Vicky thinks this baby can save her marriage. Smith also exposes the realities of being a gestational carrier and what it entails. Readers will appreciate this book because of its many twists and turns.

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