"Despite the challenge of discovering a Purpose that is uniquely yours, you must also recognize that it is continually emerging and evolving."

After significant life events in 1986, the author made purposeful life changes. This discovery led to this guidebook which explores one’s purpose and meaning and the power of purposeful living. In such an examination, readers need to explore their inner selves of who and what they are in order to find such purpose. One explores becoming one’s higher self by focusing on taking risks, examining values, redefining the self, and examining one’s spiritual destiny. This is learning to be conscious of one’s life by not just doing but by being—being aware of and at peace with daily life activities and the deeper meaning of the self. These are the ideas found in the first part of the book, while the second part explores how to utilize one’s newfound purpose(s) in daily life. This includes ways to make it happen, such as by setting goals, managing and balancing life, finding inner strength, exploring values, and examining ways to happiness.

Nicely written, well-organized, and thoughtful, the book thoroughly explores the meaning of purpose and asks pertinent questions throughout in order for the reader to not just read the book but to examine the self through such inner dialogue. It also includes useful affirmations, writing assignments, diagrams, and other tools for guidance, which lead to an immersion into the topics discussed. The two parts of the book regarding learning what ones want from life and then exploring how to make it happen offer a nice examination of the topic. Easily readable, insightful, and full of knowledge, Warren’s book will guide readers on a path of growing throughout life.

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