You’re Not Crazy: Living with Anxiety, Obsessions and Fetishes

by Laurie Singer, M.S. LMFT and BCBA
Laurie Singer Behavioral Services

"Picking up this book means you are brave and self-aware enough to want to take charge of an anxiety-rooted issue."

This exciting new self-help book is aimed at individuals struggling with unhealthy behaviors associated with anxiety. It's a highly positive and inclusive approach that enlists family and other loved ones to help support the practical therapeutic techniques outlined. Combining cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and applied behavior analysis (ABA) techniques, Singer provides time-tested observations to offer quick and effective relief for troubling behaviors associated with anxiety, such as agoraphobia and social phobia as well as conversion disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and fetishes, among a list of many other conditions that can be alleviated with her system. In fact, the techniques outlined here include the same self-monitoring charts and steps that Singer uses in live therapy with her clients. She assures readers that they can also achieve successful results using only the book as a guide to understanding and working with their behavior disorders in what she calls a "Stop-Choose-Start approach."

Singer came to her career, as many therapists do, because she was troubled by an unhappy childhood. In her case, she was abandoned by a drug- and alcohol-addicted mother. She thus brings a deep understanding of trauma and dysfunctional behaviors to her work and writing and exhibits great compassion and empathy. She succinctly outlines case examples of the more serious disorders that she treats and the steps necessary to overcome them. These therapeutic steps are easy to understand and to implement, making this book a valuable tool in the quest to launch oneself or a loved one from the doldrums of emotional unease into a healthier, more vibrant lifestyle. The author cautions that though many people experience relief with her no-nonsense system, not everyone will find immediate transformation. The good news is that for those who don't progress, analysis of the treatment plan often reveals what is needed to move forward.

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