Zurkerx: The Empire Shall Grow
by Eric William Haluska

"Never in Zurkerx’s history has a Demokrist government existed."

Based on a nation created by the author on the website NationStates, the nation simulation game by Max Barry, this novel is a sociopolitical science fiction work centered around the Constitutional Empire of Zurkerx located in Zentari, a vast continent and three islands surrounded by a gigantic ocean. As the most powerful nation in Zentari, Zurkerx is the superpower defender of "Natural Rights." Supreme Commander Marcus Huns of Zurkerx is an effective leader who maintains peace and stability throughout the empire. However, the peace is in jeopardy when an extreme idealistic group called the Gewerksma attempts to gain control of Zurkerx and install a government that follows their political philosophy, thus setting the stage for a war of survival.

At the center of the novel are two opposing factions who want to control Zurkerx. The Constitutional Empire is a wealthy, multiracial nation with a parliamentary system of government called the Miktsrod. The borders of Zurkerx have expanded under the empire and established alliances with other nations. The natural resources and rich land establish the empire as an agricultural power, leading to a lucrative shipping industry. However, with the advent of automation during the Autonomous Industrial Revolution, the workforce is cut in half, displacing "tens of thousands of workers as they scramble to find new jobs." This results in an uprising of the working class led by the Gewerksma (or "Union Force"). The Gewerksma is dedicated to eliminating their biggest threats to workers: automation and Einnerists, who the Gewerksma feel only care about their wealth and maintaining automation. The Gewerksma adhere to the beliefs of the political party established by Renee Demos. With its left-wing ideology called Demokrism, the group believes the wealthy are exploiting citizens for their own enrichment by "consolidating power and gaining influence over working people by forcing them into a contract where a worker sold their labor in exchange for a little money to survive."

Haluska has created an intriguing war of ideologies between the empire and the Gewerksma. Filled with explicit battle scenes, the novel traces not only the histories of the two groups but also delves into the opposing views of Marcus Huns and the Gewerksma. There are similarities between this created world and world governments of today. The author states in the introduction that "Originally, the creation of Zurkerx was designed to replicate a conservative-type government" and evolved as his own philosophy of government changed. His writing is influenced by novels such as 1984, Jennifer Government, Fahrenheit 451, and Metropolisto. One easily identifies these influences throughout the work. With its numerous characters and socio-political definitions, it isn't always an easy read and occasionally becomes repetitive. However, the storyline is a fascinating tale of the repercussions of extremism which can lead to civil unrest. The human element is also examined within the characters' backstories and their interactions with old friends who have now become foes.

As the first novel in his planned Zentari Saga, the author meticulously sets up this multifaceted world with its sociological and political nuances. Those who enjoy sci-fi and philosophy will find much entertainment in the creative world of Zentari. Likewise, those who seek out military novels will find an abundance of battles and armor descriptions. This is one of those novels that leads one to contemplate not only the created world but the world in which one lives.

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