8 Minutes a Day to Make an A!: Quick Change Your ADHD Child Now!
by Pamela L. Johnson, B.S. Education

"You need to make sure he sees the 'whole picture.' Break big tasks into smaller, more manageable ones."

Parents of children who struggle in school due to attention disorders may feel at their wit’s end trying to concoct a solution that will help their child survive the educational system. Written from the firsthand experience of an educator with ADHD and the owner and operator of learning centers that specialize in working with children with ADHD, this book gives parents and teachers a roadmap of tasks to follow that will accelerate their children’s learning capabilities. By enacting strict organizational guidelines that ensure the turning in of completed homework and using an immediate reward system to celebrate adherence, this method is designed to get child and parent alike involved in a simple, short routine that yields results. By just checking in for a couple of minutes a day, parents can watch struggling grades work their way up to the head of the class.

Combining her personal experience in getting things done with her background as an educator, the author of this book goes into very specific detail on how to help kids with ADHD succeed in school. The plan is not left vague as it goes through each step, highlighting the rigidity and routine that needs to be established, but flexibility does appear in terms of reward systems and quantity. The firmness of the author’s system comes through in an authoritative but cooperative and understanding tone. The system itself is easy to follow, providing a focus largely on organization and accountability, while also tailored specifically for the intricacies of the ADHD-affected brain. Free of prescription medications or alternative teaching methods that can make a child feel isolated or different, this system is worth reading about because of the results it has accomplished as well as the relatively low but constant involvement by the parent in the education process.

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