At times heartwarming, at times gut-wrenching, Cole's narrative features the first-person perspective of his late son, Jonathan. Based on a true story, the plot weaves through the Cole family member's lives, as seen from Jon's point of view. The Coles, an all-white family, adopts Jonathan, who is black and deaf, at a mere three-months-old.
The structure of the narrative is unquestionably unique, beginning with the stark dichotomy of Jon's tragic death with the impending holidays. There is little doubt that writing about the loss of a son must be excruciating. However, the author dwells on the moments when Jon left his mark on his family. In many ways, Cole's work both eulogizes his son and provides a strong sense of hope and healing, a theme of positivity that permeates throughout the novel. Through the story, readers get a glimpse of the tight-knit Cole Family. From Grandma Cole being the "Mama Bear" to her grandchildren and Jon learning to read the Bible as a child to winter months filled with hundred-degree spa sessions followed immediately by snow angels, the Coles lived a vibrant life. Jon and Ben—another biracial, adopted child of African American and Native American descent—are the epitome of brotherhood. Their relationship is captured poignantly by the brothers standing up for each other during their one-and-only fight.
Jon was passionate about life, be it skateboarding, skiing, his poodle Suzy, or boiled Oscar Meyer hot dogs. His innate curiosity is depicted with refreshing humor in the final section, where John is seen perched in his sky hammock, befriending John the Baptist and having conversations with prominent historical figures. Beyond the genuine affinity for Jon, Cole's text serves to push past Jon's limitations, humanizing him as a man of many interests for whom the sky was the limit.