Abide Dwell
by Patricia A. David
PageTurner Press and Media

"Stop worrying how you look outside, look into
your heart.
Do you know just where you’ll go when from
this world you will depart?"

David's poetry delivers the traditional spirit and themes of faith-based works ranging from experiencing the pathway of God's light toward the heavenly abode to living a spiritual life in the material world. Spanning decades, the compilation integrates a combination of biblical scripture and self-realization habits en route to finding the perfect harmony on earth to not only invite God into one's heart but to also live in Christ when Judgment Day inevitably arrives.

While the poems are generally formatted in couplets and are simple to understand, the message is profound. In "God's Saddest Day" and "Why," audiences get to envision the moments leading up to the Lord's sacrifice for humanity from a more intimate perspective of how God may have felt to lose his only son. Even so, humanity has lost its way, at times wearing a blindfold that makes it difficult to differentiate vice from virtue. David's work focuses on concepts like anger and avoiding an overdependence on tomorrow… because tomorrow never really comes.

While the faith-based poems are engaging, the poet's knack for imagery makes poems like "Quiet Peace" and "Perfect Peace" worthwhile experiences. In the former, the white snowflakes are undoubtedly a symbol of peace and purity. Simultaneously, the utopian environment in the latter deviates between night and day to usher in a sinless world. In all the poems, the stylistic choices that range from italics and boldface to underlining and AABB rhyme schemes conveniently garner the reader's attention to the points of emphasis. Poems like "God's Love" capture the essence of feeling complete and overshadowing all pain when God dwells in the heart. At its core, this poetry collection points readers to living a quality life on earth with an eye on eternity.

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