"If I wanted to lose weight and increase my energy levels, the processed food had to go . . . required a greater balance of organic whole foods . . ."

The author chose exercise as his major life tool to remain fit and healthy, ignoring another significant contributor to health: nutrition. A skilled fitness expert, Woodard created customized training programs for servicemen and women returning from war with serious physical and mental handicaps. After retirement, he worked as a personal fitness expert. His own journey back to health started after being diagnosed with avascular necrosis (AVN)―bone loss in his hips that resulted in serious injury. After his surgeries, pain, weight gain, and depression, the author decided to follow the advice he offered soldiers. Beginning with dietary changes, he used the preparation of nutritional foods as a therapeutic exercise. Woodard knew that a certain amount of pain must be accepted to restore health to an injured body. The author was able to give up his walker and canes, and now walks unaided 8-10 miles a day.

This insightful 367-page book is about restoring imbalances so the body can heal itself and provides the information one needs. However, it becomes clear that there is no fast track solution to optimal health. The author’s guide successfully debunks some diet plans, drink mixes, and supplements as possibly unhelpful or even injurious. It also clearly explains the effects food and snacks have on muscle types and how keeping hydrated prevents injuries. Fitness trainers will be amazed to have access to this expertise. Technical subjects are explained well for the average reader, but the elderly will likely need the help of a family member or fitness expert to show how to apply them. Cartoons and encouraging images will spur on skeptics and those who are visually oriented. Terms are defined within the text and can be found in the extensive index.

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