Angels Among Us: Living Dream Series
by Erwin Lazaro

"I’m not afraid of facing my fears...I’m more terrified about failing than being terrified by fear itself."

The author published this memoir as part of his Living Dream series. This first book is about resolving significant life experiences from his childhood to age thirty, including the early deaths of two best friends and the recent break with his fiancée of six years. His book begins with disturbing dreams that insist Lazaro dig into buried concerns. Fortunately, the author’s career is settled at this point. Instead of the electrical engineering degree his father wanted, Lazaro chose to become an architect, following his own path and honoring promises to his deceased friends.

When his dreams interfere with sleep and work, he requests a week’s vacation. He needs time—a driving trip alone. Even this step will worry his Filipino mother. Like an angel, she handles her health issues without complaint, providing love and support to her family. Armed with a supply of music CDs, the author bids farewell, jumps into his ‘baby’ (a Jeep Cherokee), and drives away. With a camcorder, he documents disturbing thoughts as he travels down the scenic Pacific coast. The climax comes with this non-swimmer caught at high tide in Oregon’s dangerous Devil’s Punchbowl.

Lazaro demonstrates bravery, talent, and caring in writing this first book. Only a brave author will record an inner conversation that is full of negatives (“I am not stupid...just dumb”), expletives (“I would be an angry person without my music”), and yet hope (“I am asking...seeking...receiving”). By the end of seventeen chapters, the expletives subside once the author discovers his anger comes from being pushed into changing paths once more. Talent shows in the author’s ability to share his dramatic story in a way that inspires young readers. His caring concern strengthens others to face their own challenges—with the loving support of angels among us.

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