Believe, Believe, Believe
by James Henry Lincoln, Sr.

"What you believe or do not believe is firmly in your hands."

According to the author, the choice people make to believe and accept the word of God as detailed so thoroughly in the Bible, or to believe it only in part (or not at all), will determine the way they live and the sufferings they undergo. Lincoln is certain that this is a simple option: What has a person’s attention is what one most believes. He posits that refusal to believe in God can lead to addictions and compulsions, even to madness. He counsels spending time in conversation and closeness with the Lord, remembering that Jesus prayed for us. Only through this faith can one avoid the wiles of Satan, who is constantly battling for possession of souls. God is like the co-pilot who won’t take control until one allows him to by relinquishing the need for control. A person shouldn’t hold to the tradition that suggests that God puts trials on people to teach them something; instead, one should use the sacred Name and its healing power. A person shouldn’t be one of Satan’s POWs but be “a warrior in the army of Christ” instead.

Lincoln is a minister who feels directed towards evangelism and has created this book as a means of guiding people as he has felt guided. Retired from the US Air Force, he often uses military examples. His writing style is straightforward and rational. He suggests that America prospered in its inception because of its Christian basis. He shares an interesting, radical proposition regarding the word “denomination,” asserting that it means the opposite of “nomination” (being “for” something) and, therefore, all church divisions or denominations are unscriptural and against the teachings of Jesus. Throughout this sincerely conceived treatise, there are many such thought-provoking points. Lincoln’s book is well-organized and would make a worthy study for Bible-focused groups.

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