This expansive biography tells the story of Dave Davey, who was born in 1936 in Detroit. Davey, like a good many children of his age at the time, was a victim of polio. Like others, he spent a handful of years in an iron lung. Unlike many of his peers, however, he would go on to not only live until 2005 (after the doctors had warned his parents that he likely wouldn't make it through his 20s) but to live a life confined to a wheelchair. His situation quite literally paved the way for innovations across the board, helping ensure public places were adequately designed to be handicap-accessible. Davey worked at the highest levels with Goodwill Industries, where his passion and talents earned him numerous recognitions and awards. He was also instrumental in working with former Senator Bob Dole in establishing into law the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) in 1990.
Written lovingly by his wife of nearly three decades, this is the story of an exceptional man who made a positive difference in the lives of many in the world. It is a testament not only to Davey but also to the triumph of human accomplishment by those who, even when faced with personal difficulties, somehow always push further and further. Koomans describes her husband as being as selfless and giving as any man could ever be. When reading about their story together and, in particular, the extraordinarily hard work Davey put into helping lead the way for others with physical limitations to excel beyond any barriers, one is inclined to agree.