Beyond the Moment of Truth
by David T. Gilbert
Trafford Publishing

"How will I be remembered/After the day I would die?"

In this colletion, readers will encounter a unique poetic compilation that prefaces each poem with several paragraphs that reveal the author's mindset and reasoning behind the writing. At its core, the collection of faith based poems is genuine, transparent, and a byproduct of the author's experiences.

Gilbert is undoubtedly on a quest to spread the word of God and enlighten; in the process, he seeks the aid of prominent biblical passages and figures to deliver his message. Poems like "Forgive and Forget" and "Choices" are filled with stirring imagery and references to Ruth, Abram, Peter, Gideon, Joshua, David, Goliath, and many more.

Throughout the collection, one message is prevalent: Those who embrace God's word will live in hope. In the same moment, those who choose to stray away will always be forgiven when they realize their life's purpose. Gilbert's brewing emotions and own choices—both good and bad—are poured into these pages. Poems such as "Thirty Two Years Together" and "My Mum, My Friend," give readers a direct path into the author's heart and emotions.

Though the collection is mainly religious poetry, the Gilbert asks penetrating, existential questions that challenge one to think about his mortality and accomplishments in life. From being remembered in death to "facing a fearful gloom" due to one's actions in life, David Gilbert's poetry is sharp and eye-opening. Without a doubt, readers of all backgrounds will find Beyond My Moment of Truth to be a thought-provoking and meaningful read.

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