by Baltazar D. Reynafarje
Trafford Publishing

"One of the most important forms of this energy is ATP, which is the universal currency of free energy in living organisms."

With a background working for The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and the National Institute of Health, the author uses this book to lay out a theory explaining the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate or ATP. ATP is a critical part of the metabolic process, as it takes the energy created by chemical reactions inside of cells and transports it to other parts of the cell in order to help promote growth and enable motion. The author offers some new ways of thinking about ATP as it relates to cellular energy and the binds between oxygen and mitochondria. Looking at these processes at a subcellular level, a greater understanding of how energy is created and moved about is reached in all living things, from plants to humans.

In terms of complexity, this book expects a firm understanding of the chemistry and biology of the process of metabolism. Some refreshers on the laws of thermodynamics and some pivotal formulas are available, but experts in the field of biochemistry won't have to worry about wading through simple information that's already committed to memory. Casual biochemists or those looking to cultivate an interest in the field may find this title interesting, but will need some companion texts handy to do additional research. With lots of formulaic explanation and plenty of graphs and diagrams to elucidate on the points presented, students in this field will have all the information they need to grasp the concepts of the author's theories. The density, specialization, and complexity of the information in this book should reserve it only for the most dedicated to the hard sciences.

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