"Let Him resurrect His Son, let Him resurrect mine--but me, me--leave me in bones in the depths of the pond."

Deep in the Adirondacks, the small towns of Lewis County play host to a simpler, quieter way of life. Through a collection of short stories and poetry, the author recounts the history of generations of families, seamlessly weaving between fact, fiction, prose, and verse. Drawing parallels and origins back to the Trojan War and the Holocaust of World War II respectively, this is a tale of those who break their backs struggling to live off the land. Those who yearn to sever ties to their birthright often find themselves stumbling back after seeing the world, and those who stay to try and cultivate the stony, difficult ground often sacrifice much more than they expected to lose. Lewis County offers peace to those looking for it and tragedy to those not keeping a careful eye.

Everything about this book is fluid, from the characters (though they remain largely in the Kuhl family and its relations) to the time period to the structure and tone of the storytelling. The author paints a difficult picture of life in the Adirondacks—a region replete with tight-knit communities but where, ultimately, a person’s success is left entirely in their own hands. Much of the text of this book highlights the challenges a person faces, whether it’s a debilitating injury, the hauntings of a violent past, or simply the reality of never getting back what you give up in a long-term compromise. Using intensely emotional and carefully designed vocabulary and imagery, this collection of poems and short stories provides valuable insight on independence and how that relates to being a member of a family or a community. It promises to haunt the reader’s mind with deep emotional questions.

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