Transcending a book of mere poetry, the author of this volume includes a combination of inspirational and whimsical poems supplemented by biblical scripture, related musings, and the sharing of private inspirations or circumstances that led to each poem. Recurring themes of the author’s faith and spirituality are common among the more than 50 poems, but she is able to find a creative outlet through inspirations such as reflecting on her life or the simple buzzing of an errant housefly. Written across decades and covering a spectrum of emotions, there is still a consistent element of trust in a higher power and a creative twist when looking at universal situations like aging or the preservation of innocence.
Most poems occupy a two-page spread, with some carrying over to a third page, but each comes flanked by the aforementioned supplemental material. Often the inspiration comes first, then the poem, and finally a biblical quote to wrap up the theme and inject spiritual wisdom into the subject. Though these elements change in order from poem to poem and sometimes are doubled up or dropped for a single entry, readers are able to get a more complete picture of the author’s perspective and an appreciation for her viewpoint. Even at its most serious, this is a collection of work that has either one foot or both firmly planted in the positive and creates a reading atmosphere that is ultimately heartwarming and uplifting. Readers will come away from Siler’s first book feeling capable of identifying the silver lining in whatever life throws their way.