Body Intelligence: How to "Think" Outside Your
Brain and Connect to Your Multi-Dimensional Self
by John Mayfield Nubalance Publishing Company

"Your spirit's voyage of discovery is to become a pioneer, exploring the world within, discovering the subtle dimensions of your biology—then on to your spiritual dimensions."

Dr. Mayfield's years as a successful chiropractor and student of various health-centered disciplines, give him great credibility as a healer who understands what it takes to actualize the connectedness of body/mind/spirit.

On the physical level, the author addresses practices such as breathing, posture and energy, and how specific organs use these modalities to promote good health and longevity. According to an ancient Chinese system of physiology embraced by the author, these organs relate to the five elements—wood, fire, earth, metal and water—creating balance or imbalance within a philosophy of wholeness. Mental processes of thinking and speaking convey our individual experience of reality and how we manifest desires and goals. Spiritual awakening is prompted by the values we hold, the choices we make, and our relationships with others. Techniques on attaining higher and different states of conscious awareness through deliberate intention prove invaluable for becoming fully awake.

American Indian culture advises that by observing the animal kingdom, it becomes apparent what "living in the moment" means. As mostly sleepwalking humans, we are more fully engaged in reliving the past or rehearsing the future, than focusing our attention on the moment. As the author states, "You see your world exactly the way you believe it is. That is how it works. What you expect somehow turns out to be what you perceive."

A multi-dimensional approach to life is a worthwhile goal, and the author's outline of seven simple life-changing habits listed at the back of the book, makes it doable as well.

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