Business Ideas to Make a Million Dollars
by Joyce Shearin
Trafford Publishing

"Chocolate Gram Delivery.... Start a College Online.... Open a 99ยข store..."

People are constantly looking for new business ideas that could earn them a small fortune. Shearin's title choice is sure to lure many budding entrepreneurs. Although millions are sometimes made on seemingly crazy ideas, it is questionable if the ideas inside will net anyone a million dollars. The book begins with a brief list of how to fund loans. Ideas like collecting bottles and cans to recycle, having a thrift sale, cleaning a neighbor's home, and visiting a pawnshop dominate the list. The downside is the list does not provide any ideas to raise significant start-up capital that is so essential to small businesses.

The remainder of the book is dedicated to business ideas, 113 ideas in all. Developing chocolate vitamins, selling premade homes, making watches, designing jewelry, and becoming an online lawyer are just a few of the ideas readers are treated to. Readers will quickly discover that many of these ideas are just repackaged and repeated numerous times throughout the book.

Sheridan's book is essentially one big list, with very few details. Each business idea and funding opportunity is presented in a brief statement. In fact, the entire book is just a list of brief statements. No background is given as to why these ideas could potentially be so profitable or where readers could go to learn more information. Lists are haphazardly put together with various industries co-mingled. Readers are left wanting much more from a book title that promised so much.

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