by Mrs. Lisa Flowers
Trafford Publishing

"I was glad she was giving me a bath. I'm not sure if I'm going to like this or not, but I will let you know."

Butterbean is a puppy who is too busy playing in a field of her namesake to realize that she's been separated from her mother and siblings. Not sure how to get back home, a man in a car pulls up and finds Butterbean. Taking care of her and making sure she has water to drink, the man and his wife take Butterbean home with them to meet their other two dogs. Though the experience is stressful at first, eventually they learn how to operate as an extended family. Once Butterbean gets a bath, goes to the vet's office and gets her check-up, and then gets some decorations for her fur, she becomes a full member of the family, but still thinks of her mother and hopes that she and her brothers and sisters are doing well.

For kids that love to read about cute animals and finding one's way safely home, this book is going to be a big hit. With large, colorful illustrations and feelings of love and responsibility ringing true on every page, this is a great story for parents to read to their children, though there may be follow-up questions about adopting a puppy. The story is short and shouldn't take more than a few minutes to read aloud, but this is also a good book for helping children learn to read on their own, and young readers will want to absorb all the details of the full-page pictures. For a light-hearted feel-good story that children can appreciate, this story will warm their hearts and put their little minds at ease.

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