Children's Lesson on Morality: Not My Problem
by Maxine Gray
Trafford Publishing

"˜It's important that when someone else is in trouble, we do what we can to help, we shouldn't be selfish and only think of ourselves."

Often it is the lessons learned from beloved children's books that stay the clearest with a child. Carried into adulthood, they help to inform who a person will become and how she will behave toward others. There might be no other lesson more universal and essential to any society than the golden rule, and it is this rule which is depicted so beautifully in Pastor Gray's latest picture book.

Peppered with colorful characters, Children's Lesson on Morality entertains and delights while it simultaneously instills a sense of compassion and selflessness in its readers. Piggy Zee gets into trouble as an eagle named Tubal chases her hoping to have her for dinner. And while all the other animals rush to help Piggy Zee, one Prissy Lena laughs at her friend's misfortune. Soon enough the tables turn on Prissy and it is she who needs the help of her friends. But will she get it is the question being asked. She who laughed and would not help, is she still worthy of the others' compassion? Understandably some of the other animals question whether she deserves their help when she could not be bothered to help poor Piggy Zee. In fact, Piggy Zee turns ugly and tells Prissy that she hopes the eagle picks her clean. But in the end, Wuddy the doe with her noble heart helps Prissy hide in a rosebush and eventually escape danger.

The lesson explored by Pastor Gray is that everyone deserves tenderness and mercy even those who may not show us the same kindness. For love must be given freely and without qualifications if it is to be pure and true. Delightful illustrations go hand in hand with this charming and educational book on morality.

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