by Eolane

"There were so many emotions in one place, caught in time, and she found herself reliving the terror, the warfare, the blood pouring on the old stone-and-dirt floors."

A novel of 159 pages, the story of Amber Jewel, her life events and choices, evokes a story of tragedies and triumphs. "The Prologue" begins with the story of an old lady, Amber, who is writing her memoir at her Texas home retreat. This is one story of such memories, incorporated from the author's own extensive life history.

Amber's on-and-off relationship with Reynaldo, an FBI agent, the spirit of her great-great-grand mere who is always there to guide her, and her recovery from a previous tragedy, begin the book. Amber works for the State Department and works closely with the FBI. When she is transferred to San Antonio, she finds herself connected to the Alamo and the spirits of Bowie, Crockett, Teddy Roosevelt, and others. Working to train both Arab and Israeli pilots, she helps them to cope with cultural changes. But her major focus is searching for a man who is killing young women and wants to kill her as well. Yet why is she continually sensing a dark shadow around her, a shadow unlike the spirits who are there to help her, and why is the shadow concerned that she is figuring things out?

This is the second book in the series of The Jewel Chronicles and it works as a ongoing story, yet also can be read as a stand-alone book. It combines mystery, the spirit world, the military and politics, love and loss, betrayal, friendship, and evil. While there are a few superfluous story lines, mostly the author is able to connect these plots in a way that makes them plausible. While it as a fairly easy read, it is interesting enough to keep the reader engaged and wanting more. And the ending of the book does this as well—it makes one long for the next book.

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