III Chronicles
by Darlene Klingensmith
Trafford Publishing

"I claim that my Chronicle is not unique. All who follow the Prince of Peace find fulfillment in their lives. My journey is perhaps different from others but like all other journeys with the Lord, it is not complete."

This is a journal, written to show readers the author's personal experience beginning with her first "visitation" by THE MAN. She progresses chronologically through her life, sharing specific experiences with the reader. She survives an abusive childhood, and along the way she is gifted with a number of personal, spiritual visions that she details for readers. She derives her inspiration for the title and format from the Biblical books, I and II Chronicles. As she walks this road, she is very transparent in her mental and spiritual changes until finally she gives her life to Jesus (i.e. THE MAN).

This journey is meant to be inspirational. It leads her from a confused and frightened child to an adult who quit her job, achieved a college education, and entered full-time ministry work so she could share her experiences with others and lead them to a life in Christ. However it was not without its moments of doubt: "Apprehension and anxiety, yet a calmness possessed me as I reached for the door that led into the church. I asked myself what I was doing here..." Klingensmith conquers her past and ultimately herself (i.e. that which had held her back) and embraces a more fulfilled horizon.

The descriptions are vivid, although the use of all capital letters in places might be overdone. Her personal experiences are heart-rending but may not relate to an average reader. To her credit, she goes beyond just her own experiences and relates every experience to the scriptures she follows on her journey.

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