A Day of Life: Moments in Time
by Jerry Welch
Trafford Publishing

"Today is always a reflection of the past. Tomorrow will always be shaped by the events of today."

In A Day of Life, Welch builds a timeline in the form of a singular human. Follow Human through time, beginning seven billion days ago when humans were a cellular organism. Travel as Human Oid becomes Human and Human becomes Humanius. Visit the Egyptians building a pyramid and stop in the Roman Empire. Listen in as three of the most famous philosophers converse, while taking a walk through Henry Ford's factory. The journey finishes with present day at the conclusion of the most recent presidential election. The passages take the reader throughout history, from the Ice Age to the Technology Age, and around the world. Is this journey a political statement? Or a statement on how humans will one day be no more?

The author is an impeccable storyteller. Each passage is well written and very entertaining if read on their own. The passages entertainment value propels the reader forward to the end. However, this book holds a deeper meaning than just traveling through time, which may challenge the average reader. The prologue discusses six constants: changing differences, conflict, resource usage, corporacracy, dependency, and cultural enigmas, which are tied to the human experience and explained during the journey to various extents. It’s a primer, so to speak, on the human condition, although the esoteric nature of the prologue and epilogue make this a book for philosophy students. Thus, it is really an open-ended discussion.

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