Directory of Federal Prisons:'s Federal Bureau of Prison Facility Directory

by Christopher Zoukis & Dr. Randall Radic
Middle Street Publishing

"[This book] is an inexpensive, regularly updated, quick reference guide to contact information and basic character profiles for every prison within the Federal Bureau of Prisons, including private prisons which house federal prisoners."

As of February 27, 2014, there were 215,482 inmates incarcerated in U.S. federal prisons. Due to the problem of families, friends, and attorneys striving to stay in contact with their incarcerated loved ones, friends, and clients, but stymied by not having the proper contact information, was motivated to put together a directory that would offer contact data and basic information for every federal prison and private contract facility. The Directory of Federal Prisons is divided into seven chapters; the first six look in detail at the profiled institutions by regions (as designated by the Federal Bureau of Prisons); the last focuses on private contract prisons that house federal prisoners. Each chapter contains a listing for every federal prison within that BOP region, with such information as the prison's gender (male or female), security level, inmate population, inmate correspondence addresses, official contact information, and more.

The directory is formatted clearly, with significant information presented in bold font, facilitating quick reference to specific facts. There are maps for locating each facility. Six appendices provide additional data, such as which prisons house females inmates, and which have adjacent satellite prison camps. Also included are data regarding security levels, and a listing of each prison by BOP region and in alphabetical order.

This well organized reference guide is intended to solve a chronic communication problem that has previously led to frustration, a backlog of unanswered questions, and families faced with restrictive correspondence policies. It will come in handy for anyone with family and friends currently incarcerated in federal prison, as well as attorneys with incarcerated clients, and journalists reporting on the prison system and criminal justice issues. Even those who are not acquainted with the American prison system can become better informed by studying the data presented in The Directory of Federal Prisons. Religious groups, volunteers, attorneys, prison consultants, journalists, social justice advocates, and friends and family members of federal prisoners will doubtless make good use of the directory.

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