The shadow of death follows mankind at every moment of our lives. For some, the game of hide and seek with death continues; for others, however, death reveals itself in its most sinister form: terminal illness. Emily 2 follows the Wells family, beginning with Emily’s childhood leukemia diagnosis at a mere twelve years. Given only thirty days to live, Emily desires to live, even if that life is just a moment in time. Jeremy Wells comes into Emily’s life as her anchor, keeping her grounded to her desire to live. Carol, Emily’s mother, ultimately agrees to let Emily marry Jeremy in secrecy. At its core, Emily 2 is a narrative about resilience, love, and faith—even when medicine is rendered helpless and hopeless—in the face of countless adversity and stringent societal beliefs that seek to be politically correct rather than have the child’s happiness in mind.
Thirty days soon turn into decades of blissful marriage for Jeremy and Emily, who become ardent advocates for child patients suffering as Emily had suffered. In fact, they run a Leukemia Family outreach program to help families cope and make the best of the hand they are dealt.
The result of Jeremy and Emily’s union is astounding: Eric, Carolyn, Emily Ann, Addison, and Jeremy, the Wells’ children, are child geniuses who have all earned doctoral or practitioner level degrees in the medical field at an age where most students are still completing their early undergraduate years. Audiences will enjoy the numerous sequences of the family visiting the different college departments and the ensuing surprises in store for university professors.
The family is ingrained in its love and faith in God and each other. However, Emily 2 also portrays the legal aspect of terminal child patients wishing to marry and find their own anchor. From the appeals court to trial court and inevitably to the Supreme Court, the battle between patients, led by Jeremy and Emily and a narrow-minded child services director rages. The legal element is undoubtedly intriguing and presents an opportunity to learn about the intricacies of the law. There is no sugarcoating this process, particularly the numerous patient deaths and suicides that arise as a result of court rulings.
Overall, the Wells family exemplifies how one should always value their time: use it or lose it. Emily 2 is an interesting and enriching journey that brings patient’s desires to life. They, too, should have the same right to life’s experiences as anyone else. Despite many medical and legal elements, the book is easy to understand, well-written, and flows smoothly, a definite must read.
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