by Mark Lingane

"We're all going to die."

Just moments before landing at Heathrow Airport, a passenger plane takes a sudden nosedive leading to its demise. Detective Chief Inspector Tracy Hanson is assigned to a mysterious yet massive disaster. She with the help of Detective Inspector Reggie Chambers discovers one soul survivor—a teenage boy named Cally. Although her hefty report laced with alien-like observations gets her suspended from the mission, Tracy disregards the directive determined to reveal the truth behind the crime scene. She is also certain that Cally is somehow connected. More disasters unfold—a clear sign of alien attack. A bit of romance begins to blossom between Tracy's and her ironic relationship with Reggie. She also finds herself dealing with her bitter past. Yet all of that pales when a succession of unanticipated clues leads to a horrific piece of history.

Mark Lingane spins a twisted action-packed sci-fi thriller in his latest release and the prequel to a new series. Lingane's narrative—earmarked as book zero—is replete with snarky individuals. One key feature of Lingane's writing style is in the way he incorporates sarcastic humor via dialogue within a gripping plot. Lingane's characters are not only well defined, but also their human qualities make them very likeable, especially in the case of the heroes in this story—Tracy, Reggie, and Cally. Combining a plethora of features to keep his gripping London-based plot moving, Lingane's literary tools include brief and riveting cliff-hanging chapters that are divided into three parts, a constant shifting of concurrent character scenes, and a flurry of unexpected situations often punctuated with ticking clock scenarios—to name just a few. Closing on a definite cliffhanger, Lingane does an excellent job preparing readers for Blink, book one of The Hadron Damnation series.

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